The Story Of
Blackbird Salon
Jennifer, the owner of Blackbird Salon, realized she wanted to offer her clients more than what she could while working for a well-known salon in The Woodlands. In September 2016, Blackbird Salon was born.
Saying yes to any and every opportunity that was thrown her way, Jennifer’s first year, she easily worked 10-15 hour days. Dedicating countless hours following her passion, her clientele started growing quickly.
In year two, she continued to grow her business. She was swiftly making her way to becoming the successful respected hairstylist that she had set out to be. However, this opened a new unexpected door for her.
As she continued to grow, she realized that her calling wasn’t just to open a salon and be behind the chair. She wanted to help fellow stylists and give them the opportunity to be successful independent hairdressers doing what they love. Jennifer stated, “It’s amazing how many people out there have wanted to become a hairstylist but don’t because of the negative connotation tied to it.” This belief inspired her to empower other stylists. She does this not by simply teaching them cut and coloring techniques but by teaching them business and marketing skills as well.
Blackbird Salon currently offers a mentoring program to new and upcoming stylists. Paired with Jennifer herself, all new hairstylists start off in an Associate Program. Once they graduate from the Associate Program they will start working alongside Jennifer as a full-fledged stylist at Blackbird Salon.

Hello! Welcome to Blackbird Salon. Thank you for taking the time to to get to know us! My name is Jennifer Holmes. Ever since I was fourteen years old I wanted to be a hairstylist. Little did I know that I would become an entrepreneur that fell in love with growing people and my business.
After I graduated from Katy High School, I decided to give community college a shot, but it ended up not feeling like the right path. My parents, knowing I had a passion for hair, said, “If you aren’t going to finish college, you must have a trade.”
After years of soul searching working in the corporate world, it came down to two options. Interior Design, or becoming a hairstylist. My husband reminded me of how much I loved to make people look and feel beautiful, so I visited a few schools in Boston, Massachusetts and signed up for cosmetology school.
After my schooling, I Googled “best salons in Boston” and came across Bliss Salon. It was an elite hair salon in the heart of Marblehead, Massachusetts. The second I walked in, I realized it was everything I had envisioned being a hairstylist should be. A high-end, fast-paced environment, full of successful hair stylists.
I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to work under highly trained professionals, who are veterans of the beauty industry. For over a year I was mentored by one of the most sought-after hair stylists on the North Shore, Kim Cutting.
I took to Boston quickly and felt that I couldn’t have been placed in a better salon.
After two years of dedicated service to Bliss Salon, I felt that it was time to head back to the Lone Star State. I still remember the day that God placed a conviction on my heart that it was time to move back to Texas. I called my sister and parents the next day and told them I was moving home to stay.
As impulsive as it seemed to everyone else, I couldn’t have been more confident in my decision. I was eager to start building my career back home with the vision of opening my own salon someday.
Back in Houston, I wanted to train under Toni & Guy and grasp the art of cutting, and landed a position in their training program. It was one of the best decisions I could have made for my career. This is where my cutting skills came to life!
Another move was in the works as my husband was being transferred to The Woodlands, Texas. This is where my career flourished.
In 2010 I landed a career as a stylist at a well-known and established salon in the heart of The Woodlands. After working in a turn-and-burn environment I realized I wanted to offer more to my clients. I was told by a veteran stylist, “Jen, suite renting isn’t very professional and stylists usually don’t continue education as they do in a larger scale salon”. But that didn’t stop me or my vision.
I researched the best locations, set a date, and in September of 2016, Blackbird Salon was born.
Currently, I live in The Woodlands with my husband, two adorable children, and our new puppy. I am so excited to continue to grow Blackbird Salon, mentor up-and-coming stylists the same way I was, and work daily with my amazing clients.
Why a BlackBird?
The blackbird represents transformation, transition, and positive energy which really represented the start of a new chapter when I opened up Blackbird Salon in 2016.